Monday, September 6, 2010

India Conference Trip

Last week went off to India for "Sea Turtle Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation" for 11 days. I participated in the poster presentation. The symposium actually just took about 7 days, and the other days, we walked around Goa and Mumbai. Before going there, a lot people have some comments about India, but when we r there ... actually not that bad, i jz feel ok with it.

This is the symposium poster

We traveled around Panaji before the symposium, we walked around there, went to the river cruise place, the train station ... actually we want to go Delhi by train, but unluckily, the ticket is finished. so v cancel this plan and change another one ... we went to north Goa.

Here are some pictures that i took in difference places.

Beside travel around, sure we tried the local goan and indian foods. Almost everyday we ate roti, charpati, Naan, Puri .... with the indian style curry. I really like their curry, very special, and like the cheese naan and Puri the most. Beside the foods, Fruits Juice is very nice in India, cause the Juice is really Juice, they didn't add any water, jz the fruit.

Here are the building in panaji, quite nice.

After the symposium, we went to north Goa, visit 4 beaches ... Vagator, Ajuna, Baga and Cadolim. In Vagator, we went hiking through the dramatic red-stone sliffs to visit the Chapora Fort. The view up there really nice; Ajuna is jz a short beach but quite happening there; Baga is the beach that very "busy", first time i saw so many people in a beach, like inside the movie; Cadolim also the same. If compared to Redang, i still feel that Redang is more beautiful cause their sand not so nice, the water quite dirty ... Their is not suitable for snorking or diving but is for ... swimming, sun bathing, drinking and playing. After Goa we move to Mumbai to wait for the flight back KL. We have 5 hours there, so jz hv a little walked there then went back KL.

Church of Our Lady of the immanculate Conception

Basilica of Bom Jesus

Have to thanks ... my junior and also partner in India, Nel (left); Jovy and Jayesh to bring us around in the North Goa and Mumbai, really thanks u guys for everything.

Oh, one thing that i dislike India is ...... their airport, the system of the airport, is really bad. They r so straight in the airport ... until ONLY flight passenger can enter the airport; some more before u enter the airport, hv to show ur ticket (but normally we only get our ticket when we check in in the counter), so next time be4 u go there make sure u print ur e-ticket, if not will be very "mafan"; in the scanning system, after scan, u hv to make all ur luggages (hand carry one) hv the tag with the cop by the counter there, if not ... u can't get in ur plane and very "mafan" as well ... == (this is jz my own opinion) accept for this ...... India is GOOD.

p/s: Hope can go India again, go difference places there, like Delhi, Mumbai ...... wish can be there again :)


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